
Digital Learning Technologies (DLT)

Our DLT Vision: (draft):

Digital Learning at IPS will be irresistibly engaging for students and teachers across all learning areas and domains. Our students will become innovative and confident users of digital technologies, using technology to communicate, collaborate, curate and create, while fostering higher order thinking skills and real-life problem solving. (IPS Vision Committee)

To achieve the school’s vision of increased hardware, better access for teacher professional development and greater technical support requires substantial financial commitment. Government funding is insufficient to permit the realisation of the school’s vision. In 2017 the school will ask parents to pay a DLT co-contribution to enable the progression of the school’s vision. Anyone who has visited a classroom, attended the cyber safety evening and or the impressive innovation day can see that community support is vital to continue this great work that directly benefits every student.

Read more: Digital Learning Technologies (DLT)

November update

Dear school community,

Congratulations to Maya Cotton who achieved outstanding results in English for the ICAS global assessment.

On Saturday, Maya, along with her family and Mrs Morrison attended an award ceremony at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre celebrating the achievements of all Victorian students. How exciting! Well done Maya.

Read more: November update

From the Principal

Dear school community,

Congratulations to staff and students on what I heard was an exceptional International Day. A celebration of diversity and inclusion - thank you to all those behind the scenes who worked so hard to make International Day a fabulous event and to everyone who got into the spirit of the day.

Ms Jones and I spent the day, with other school leadership teams, looking at school data from student engagement and wellbeing to student achievement and best practice teaching and I am pleased to report that IPS is tracking very well indeed. This also supports many of the findings emerging from our school review process.

Read more: From the Principal

From the Principal

Dear school community,

Ivanhoe Primary School is a community where exciting things are going on all the time. Sometimes evident and obvious and other times seemingly behind the scenes. Here's a snapshot update of a couple of things you may or may not be aware of.

Read more: From the Principal

From the Principal

Dear IPS Community,

The School Review - The importance and power of feedback.

Feedback is a powerful influence on learning. As teachers and / or parents we know that the impact of our feedback can be positive or negative depending on how we approach it. Sometimes challenging, sometimes affirming, timely feedback is paramount to improvement. Of course there is high-level feedback and low level feedback. For example praise simply for performance does not in itself increase learning or lead to improvement however feedback that addresses questions like where am I going? How am I going? And where to next? This is more meaningful and far more likely to lead to progress and illicit positive outcomes.

Read more: From the Principal