The development of a whole school instructional model.

What is Curiosity and Powerful Learning?

“ The goal of the Powerful Learning School Improvement Strategy is that all students will be literate, numerate and curious”


Where this fits into our 2017 – 2020 Strategic Plan and our 2017 Annual implementation Plan

Ivanhoe Primary School has created a School Improvement Pathway in the form of a four year Strategic Plan and 2017 Annual Implementation Plan in which common reference points around our shared understanding of effective teaching and learning practices have been committed to as well as a series of goals and strategies and milestones that will be the focus of our collective planning, teaching and learning.


Curiosity and Powerful Learning details four whole school theories of action and six teacher theories of action (listed below).

Building upon the findings of our school review, the priorities we have set for ourselves, this great work began in 2016 and over Term 1 of this year AND importantly adhering to our school’s narrative that: 

“Ivanhoe Primary School encourages the development of the whole student. Our aim is to support learners in becoming curious, reflective and critical in their thinking as global citizens.” (Ivanhoe Primary School Mission, Vision & Values, 2016), 


A draft plan for embedding some of these theories into consistent, deep and meaningful practices across our school is being developed and supports our 2017 – 2020 Strategic Plan and 2017 AIP.  (See these documents on the IPS Official page.


Why Curiosity and Powerful Learning?


The research tells us you can teach curiosity.

“There is no more important goal for educators than enabling their students to develop the habit of enquiry and to embed a spirit of curiosity. We know almost intuitively that curiosity is important. It can be the driver of engagement and lifelong learning and is seen by many as the force behind innovation and economic growth.”


Curious thinkers are:

•             More motivated to learn

•             More likely to be academically successful;

•             Inclined to explore widely and deeply;

•             Best suited to working collaboratively;

•             more likely to look for solutions when faced with adversity.

Upcoming Events

01 Jul 2024
Leapkids popular holiday programs at Ivanhoe Primary School.
15 Jul 2024
Term 3 begins
17 Aug 2024 03:00PM
School Working Bee

From The Principal