
The Victorian Curriculum F-10 is the curriculum for Victorian schools. It incorporates the Australian Curriculum and reflects Victorian standards and priorities. The curriculum is accessed from the Victorian Curriculum F-10 website, whilst resources and supporting information is available here.

It provides a single, coherent and comprehensive set of common achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.

Specialist Classes

In addition to core curriculum, Ivanhoe Primary runs the following specialist classes which are typically provided to all students for 50 minutes per week (or as appropriate for programs such as Reading Recovery).

  • Art
  • Reading Recovery (Year 1)
  • Classroom Support / Intervention / Enrichment
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Information & Communication Technology / Multi Media
  • LOTE (Italian)
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Special Assistance

The Department of Education and Training (DE&T) provides assistance to children or families who are may be experiencing difficulties or have special needs.

Information on available services can be obtained through the school office and you may be contacted by a classroom teacher to discuss options if they feel your child could benefit.  Programs include:

  • Educational Psychology
  • Special Education
  • Speech Pathology

Curiosity and Powerful Learning

Curiosity and Powerful Learning is an integral part of teaching and learning, underpinning all curriculum programs within our school.

Curiosity and Powerful Learning gives the students the opportunity to explore, analyse and solve situations in a supportive environment. Students are taught to use a variety of tools to support their thinking and develop their problem solving skills.

This is a 2017 initiative - Check out the Initiatives page

Reporting to Parents

The school process for reporting to parents has a number of components.

An initial 'Parent-Teacher Interview' in February where parents can hear how children have settled into class and can share background information which may help teachers better cater for a students needs.

At the end of each Semester a comprehensive written report is sent home summarising their effort, progress and achievements along with areas for improvement.  Accompanying the report is the students current work sample portfolio for parents to review and comment on.

At the end of Semester 1, a second 'Parent-Teacher Interview' is held to review the Semester 1 progress and discuss future directions.

Parents and teachers are also encouraged to contact each other to discuss student issues as the need arises.

Healthy Lifestyle

We encourage students to create healthy eating routines which include physical activity - making healthy choices should becomes engrained in everyday life.  It is paramount that such a commitment involves our whole school community, from the canteen manager to parents and staff and our local fruit and veg retailers.

We promote Healthy Lifestyles through:

  • Fruit and Veg breaks twice DAILY at 10am and 12.30pm
  • Eliminate foods high in fat and sugar from the canteen and replace them with healthy alternatives such as dried fruit, raisin toast, pasta, salads and sushi
  • Nude Food is a big initiative from an environmental and sustainability perspective, which in turn helps encourage students to bring fruit and veg
  • Whole school hydration policy – each child brings a drink bottle to school which can be refilled anytime throughout the day
  • SunSmart - wearing a broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat is compulsory in Terms 1 & 4 (No Hat No Play policy) and all students are encouraged to have their own sunscreen available in the school bag

Upcoming Events

01 Jul 2024
Leapkids popular holiday programs at Ivanhoe Primary School.
15 Jul 2024
Term 3 begins
17 Aug 2024 03:00PM
School Working Bee

From The Principal