Education Week is 12th to the 16th of May
Celebrate Education Week with IPS in 2025.
Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria.
In 2025, Victoria will celebrate Education Week from Monday 12 May to Friday 16 May.
The 2025 school theme is Decoding the Universe – Exploring the unknown with nature's hidden language.
Our school will be open to visitors to share our celebration on Wednesday the 14th of May from 9.30am until 11.30am.
Resources to help schools celebrate Education Week will be available on this website in Term 2, 2025.
Curriculum Days
2025 Curriculum Days: Friday 6th of June, Wednesday 6th of August, Monday 3rd of November.
OSHC will require 25 enrolments to run.
Parent Teacher Conferences - Wednesday 6th of August (Student free day) Book your time on COMPASS>
Mobile phones
All student phones are to be given to the teacher at the start of each day. This is inline with the Education Department policy on mobile devices.
No Bullying At IPS - the student perspective.
Our aim is to create and maintain a school environment that is inclusive and empowering that values the positive contributions of students and creates a sense of belonging and connectedness that is conducive to positive behaviours and effective engagement in learning. School leaders set the tone by taking the time to listen and appreciate the issues, work to provide feedback in order to help develop solutions.