22nd of April

Foundation enrolments for 2026 will open on the 22nd of April. (for children who will be 5 years old by April 30th in the enrolment year).

Enrolment forms are available at the link below or through the school office. Phone our friendly Admin team on 9499 1880.

At Ivanhoe Primary School, our enrolment process is carefully curated to optimize each child's learning journey. Through thorough analysis of our campus, desired class sizes, and teaching methods, we've established ideal enrolment ceilings at each year level. This ensures an optimal learning environment for all students. To secure a spot, we advise applying soon after the 22nd of April. Out of area waitlist positions are assigned based on distance from the school.

Foundation (Prep) enrolments

The Department of Education has a statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline. 
The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at a Victorian government primary school, including Ivanhoe Primary School.
You can find information and resources about the enrolment timeline at: Enrolling in Foundation (Prep).