Our Mission & Vision

Mission Statement

Ivanhoe Primary School provides a positive, vibrant and inspiring environment where students are valued and encouraged to succeed in becoming life-long learners.

Vision Statement

Ivanhoe Primary School encourages the development of the whole student.

Our aim is to support learners in becoming curious, reflective and critical in their thinking as global citizens.

Children studying in a classroom


Ivanhoe Primary School is committed to:

  • Providing an educational program that develops students’ curiosity and creativity.

  • Developing responsible and engaged learners.

  • Fostering tolerance, respect and acceptance of others.

  • Building each student’s resilience and self-esteem.

  • Providing a curriculum that is rich and relevant and allows all students to succeed.

  • Promoting a strong, supportive partnership between home and the school and the wider community.

  • Having high expectations of ourselves and others.

Aboriginal Cockatoo


Our Digital Learning Technologies Vision Statement

Digital Learning at IPS will be irresistibly engaging for students and teachers across all learning areas and domains.  Our students will become innovative and confident users of digital technologies, using technology to communicate, collaborate, curate and create, while fostering higher order thinking skills and real life problem solving.